Monday, December 23, 2013

Terribly Tiny Tales

My recent fb addiction is the Terribly Tiny Tales, TTT page :)
I am floored by the crisp and awesome tales on the page, and have become a big time fan :) :)
So when they invited new TTT on 'hope', I had to put aside my Wednesday evening's work and write :)
Here are their rules.
And I don't have the patience to wait for them (to select, in the first place) to publish my entry :-P;
So here goes :

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tale #1:
The street urchin he saw on the way to work each day lay bleeding on the pavement.
Oblivious to the stares and apathy around, he rushed him to the hospital. Doctors had hope the boy would survive.
His white shirt, he noticed had turned red. Smiling to himself, he realised it was Xmas eve.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tale #2:
It was a terrible bomb blast. Shattered glasses, abandoned homes, and piles of debris for miles around.
The sniffer dogs tried to look for clues amidst the chaos.
In the aftermath of despair, and tales of loss, hope survived.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tale #3:
His teacher announced a Math test the next day.
Having played around all day, he kept his Math notebook under the newly cut, yet undecorated Xmas tree.
He believed in early miracles. He hoped Santa wouldn't mind.

A very merry Christmas and a Happy 2014 to all! :)