Friday, April 4, 2014

"My kinda" meditation : Day#4/30

Well, I am actually skipping days...
Whatever! There's just too much going on in my mind lately and it's not really easy to come up with posts every day! :-P

One of my (bad?) habits is opening too many browser tabs...wayy too many :P
I have this tendency to think "I'm going to need this page..let me keep it till I finish XYZ task" and since the XYZ task obviously runs in parallel with ABC, DEF, PQR and TUV tasks (yeah, yeah I am going to stick to these variable names, even if it feels like reading 10th std Geometry textbooks again ;-)) Anyways, the point is all these tasks and their associated pages always stay on my browser tabs.

Here are the two current snapshots (and I really haven't added/deleted any for the sake of the post ;-) )
The images are pretty small, but my blog template only supports this much width.
And Lazy moi isn't going to bother changing that, so I'll give you the counts instead :P

My 'web' browser (23 tabs) :

And my 'code' browser (well, pretty coincidence, 23 tabs again, saves you the need to take an average :P) :

Well, friends complain because whenever we are googling for things together, or looking at some code, they get confused overwhelmed looking at my browser and always always give me a strange look that says it all :P

One of my friends had sent me this pic after looking at my browser ;-)

Can't say I can deny my mind works like that! Precisely the reason I can use it to my
advantage as well!
How, you ask? Well, I have my very own way of 'meditation', or call it 'Chromitation', since I use Chrome :-P
The thing is, whenever I'm done with my XYZ task, I go through all the related tabs and close them one by one...and seriously, (plz dont laugh :-|) I feel like a huge load is off my mind.

Well, you would definately argue that I shouldn't have kept them in the first place, so I would never have felt that load anyways...but that's not how I work and so I need 'my kinda meditation' to keep things going!

I don't really want anyone to try it, but if someone already has this same habit, they should definately try 'Chromitation'.
May be you already do, maybe everyone already does this. Or may be most people are saner and follow the lifehacker tip of max 9 tabs...
Either ways, to each his own, and I got my Day#4 blogpost. ;-)

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