Monday, June 1, 2015


What does freedom mean to you ?

I'd say, freedom isn't always about splendid sunshine, vast clear expanses of blue sky and a never-ending horizon...
...sometimes, freedom also means turning away from the sun, and choosing the drab, dark, dank 'everyday stuff' - the freedom to do what you want - irrespective of the way the worlds defines freedom... allowing yourself (and others) to have views that don't fit the standard society norms - and not be apologetic about it :)

Just a Monday morning self-realization that hits when a pigeon repeatedly refuses to venture back to its home in the balcony, and you wonder why it chooses to stay, when it could so easily fly away. #everydayLifeLessons :)

...and makes for the 100th post too! Yayyy B-)


  1. For me, freedom means being able to do whatever i want to do... Freedom also means being able to *not* do the things i want to do, and do the things which need to be done instead. Freedom from the compulsions of the mind, which is just an aspiration as of now :) #BorrowedLifeLessons :D

    ..... and yay! Congratss on the 100th post :)

  2. Congrats for the 100th post..
    Keep writing :)
