Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Random Ramblings

I am writing something after ages...not as much due to the busy schedule and blah blah as much due to my laziness...:-)

Disclaimer: (Should be read as "Statutory Warning") - This one may seem full of cliched gyaan and highly over-the-top for some (read "most") of my friends. ;-)
I highly recommend skipping this post and waiting for a better one! (in case I decide to publish this)

Well, if you are still reading this, here's a set of absolutely random ramblings from the past 6 days - things I did/didn't do - thoughts I had/didn't have - some may not even make any sense and seem (rather they ARE!) totally out of context.

1. Your family is THE BEST GIFT you have ever got/ever will get.

I can never be enough grateful for a wonderful,understanding and supportive family - all of whom pamper me silly (well, they always do but the dumbo (dats moi) had self-realization).
Love you people!

2.Sometimes, you find humour in some of the most unexpected and unlikely of places/books/events.

I had sworn I will not read another Chetan Bhagat book after the crappy "One night @ the call center"...but circumstances in the past 6 days, forced me to read "2 states" (I had no access to any other book immediately and had entire 2-3 days to kill).
2 states is 2 goooddddd - it had me rolling,guffawing,snorting and rollicking with laughter - so much so that when I was reading the climax (and had a heavy blanket draped around me) my Mom asked me whether I was shivering!!! (hey folks, this is a true me ;-) )
It helped me tide over the initial shock of the hospitalization and the initial two days... :-)

3. It is better to just let go - let go of prejudices - let go of grudges - let go of expectations - let go of fear - just let go!

4. A higher qualification may not always give you higher common sense!

My nurse had tons of common sense - much more than the trainee doctor who pierced my right arm twice in search of a vein (unsuccessfully each time...wonder whether that's the reason why doctors "practice" (no offense please!) )
Anyways, she suggested that we should try the left arm instead - that way she will be able to eat her food by herself...
Good old common sense - hope we get more of that!

5. You need not worry about a thing BEFORE it actually happens.

Well, this may sound strange, but if you know that you have a blood test scheduled in 4 hours, it's better to block all thoughts of it till the time it actually happens- else you tend to feel the pain a hundred times during the 4 hours you spend dreading the test when in reality you needed to have faced it only once i.e when it actually happened.
Again, common sense!

6. Friends are the Next BEST GIFT you ever got/will ever get.

Played "Yaaron Dosti" in a loop... :-) Guess my "sorry & thank-you ki dukaan" can never ever find a substitute for friendship...
I couldn't have gotten past these 6 days without your moral support - Deedums, AM, Gayu, Sush, Harshada(plural) (sorry for the PJ;but guess that tells you am back to normal ;-) ),GL,Kanchi, Chitra,Anu,MB, AJ, DVB, Tree Trunker, Sandy, SK, PP(the official ASC Cult Secy) and all my friends who called/missed call/SMSed ...
:-) :-) :-)

7. Well, I accept, this one's a bit over-the-top... Sometimes all you need is a "divine" little signal.

I know (at least MD will say so!)this sounds like the gyaan the sadhu/baba on the "Aastha TV" show your grand-mom watches @ 6 AM in such a loud volume that the songs/keertans enter BANG into your head :-)
But couldn't help writing this one although can't bring myself to write about the exact incident...but I guess you got the point.

8. All manual labour is dignified.

Sadly, not every one thinks so. It's time we learnt to respect and recognize their presence - not merely assume that no one has walked past your desk,or move away under the pretext of being thirsty - when the janitor comes to clean it.

9. OK, this stuff is getting sentier and graver - fear not, I have no more gyaan to baato-fy.
Just one thing - F.R.I.E.N.D.S Roxxxxxxxxx - TOTALLYYYYY !!!!! :D :D :D

Well, Congo - you have managed to reach the end of my ramblings (for today) ;-) Hope you are still sane and sound. :-P
I promise not to get freaky and belt out another one of these (soon).
Till then, ciao!!!