Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Of Dreams, Wishes and Curses

Yesterday one of my favourite people told me, "Be careful what you wish for - it might just come is a Chinese curse."
That conversation started me off to write this post...

Well, my birthday (a milestone one this year) is still quite far away (and thank Goodness for that! :P ). But often, when people wish me a happy birthday, they also add a wish that "May all your dreams come true..."
A pretty harmless thing for someone to say, but, it really really gets me thinking when someone wishes me that.

How awful it would be if all my dreams came true!
Well, not necessarily because I would not have any "ambition" left in life (actually, that too, but I would have no complaints with a zero ambition, lazy life I believe ;) )
But it scares me because it means I would have to dream "carefully".
I can't give a free reign to my mind, I can't let it wander into uncharted territories, I will have to think twice before letting it off to unknown places, for fear that it may take me somewhere unwanted - and since the dream will be coming true - I would land myself in some place I never wanted to be in.
I will lose the freedom of dreaming!
Also, most people forget that dreams often involve nightmares. And if some one (or even myself) wants "all my dreams to come true", I should run away as fast as and as far away as I can! Scary, scary, scary like hell!

Which is why I am careful not to wish people "May all your dreams come true", or even "May you get all that you desire". And I never even pray that for myself...

These are scary wishes to make (for others as well as for ourselves!). Wish people (and yourself!) happiness, wish them success, wish them peace, wish them joy, wish them sincerely and wish them well - but for heaven's sake, please don't wish for their dreams to come true...

Which gets me to the something my mentor mentioned yesterday and got me googling for "Chinese Curses"
Turns out that there are three Chinese curses (Click for the  source  )
1. May you live in interesting times.

2. May you be recognized by people in high places.

3. May you get what you wish for.

And like the author in the link rightly mentions, a fourth one - "May all your dreams come true..."

Don't worry, dear friend,  I will never wish that for you.
I will send good old simple, heartfelt good wishes your way for the new year!
Happy 2016! :)

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