Friday, March 14, 2014

Happiness is ...

A day when there's so much pending work and impending deadlines that procrastination takes over...

I dare you to tell me it's not true ;-) :-P

#iSketch #afternoonTP #tissuepaperSketches

PS: The inspiration is obviously the Happy Page on fb


  1. And now i getting chips cravings ... u bloody polka dotted frock wearing diet-wrecker !!

  2. @Miss.GingerTea - this is called "devilish delight". Heeheehawhaw X-))

  3. Ping me in gtalk ... for a free lecture on the importance of fitness in life :P

  4. lol!!! agree! u know i got a balaji masa magic wafers here... which chitra used to brought for us... and i immediately jumped on it... :P ;)

  5. True! Always hoping we find some more

  6. @My dear Miss.GingerTea: yeah yeah, I know you have one helluva roomie, but spare a thought for us mere mortals :-P :-P
    @Kanchi: Balaji Masala Wafers! yumm! I buy them quite often, try them with minute maid pulpy orange (if you can get that over there) ;-)
    @Yogesh: Thanks! :)
